Image from Google Images.
Heres one I think is one of the most sustainable designs that Im sure everyone has at least one of. An old Kettle. They last for ages! New kettles have to be externally powered, eventually stop working or the filament at the bottom breaks. Nothing really can go wrong with the old design of a kettle as the heat source is separate and usually they are bomb proof.
The energy used to heat the kettle may be a different issue as it takes longer to boil the water and the electricity and gas used to heat it may be more damaging. In terms of "teddy bear factor" you can’t beat the whistle of an old battered kettle. People keep them for so long and even use them as ornaments. I’ve got an electric kettle at home which lights up blue with LEDS. No whistle. Uncharacteristic. Boring.......
Another example of sustainable design is the earth friendly moving inspired, directed and pushed by Spencer Brown. His idea that cardboard manufacturers are making thousands of tons of cardboard boxes which get used only a few times. Then they are sent away to landfill without any further thought or use. He has come up with the soltuion of "Rent a green box" where people can rent a green recyled plast storage box for storing items in for transit or moving home. I think this is a great idea as you can return it after you have used it and no waste is created from it. The face that you have to pay for it may put people off but it may also reduce the amount of things you keep in your house in the first place and reduce waste further as people may be more inclined to use this than a cardboard box which may sit around in their garage or loft wasting space and energy.

" the replacement for new or used cardboard boxes"
"The Recopack is the first zero-waste pack and move solution made entirely from 100% recycled plastic trash, mined from local landfills. Recopacks are the replacement for using new or used cardboard boxes when you pack and move anything. Servicing over 17 different markets, primarily commercial, residential, small business as well as special events. Made in 3 sizes and rented on a weekly basis. We deliver them direct to your door. You pack, stack and move. When you're done, just call us we'll and picked up when you're done. Lightweight, stackable, nest-able and easy to pack stack and move. No more messing with that fussy tape, building boxes and then breaking them down when you're done. Recopacks enable you to speed pack and move. Comparing all of the time and money waste when you move with a new or used cardboard box, Recopacks will cut your pack and move costs in half!"
I totally agree, modern day appliances are really boring. All featuring your standard components and basic control layout. They take the experience out of making something for yourself and turn into more of a task. I always thought it would be cool to have my own Brick oven for cooking pizza or something.