Thursday 25 March 2010

Why should designers give a damn?

Why should designers give a damn?

I found this question to be a conclusion to the project so to sum up this is why designers should give a damn:

· By trying to find new ways to help the earth we will be showing the future generation and helping them out.

· As Albert Einstein saysThe world we have is the product of our way of thinking.”

· To conclude the simplest reason to give a damn is that the worlds resources won’t last forever and “ the survivor of the fittest is the one that can adapt.”


  1. why should individual designers give a damn, when the mass population don't.

  2. Well most of the public are trying by reusing water bottles and buying more eco friendly products such as your Kenco packaging. People are becoming more aware the designers just have to give them a push. By desiging more innoitve and useful products which don't damage the enviroment.
